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Directory of hospitals and Clinics that specialise in Sarcoidosis

Directory of hospitals and clinics 

Collection of directories of national and international clinics - hospitals that specialise in Sarcoidosis

Please note: This information was recently verified but we cannot be held responsible for any details changing, any incorrect information or any inconvenience caused as a result.

Good luck on your sarcoid journey!

Key England Hospitals

       Denmark Hill London, SE5 

        Pond Street. London. NW3 2QG. 

       Southmoor Road. Wythenshawe. Manchester M23 9LT​​

Sarcoidosis Directories Compilation
SarcoidosisUK Specialist Consultant Directory

SarcoidosisUK is aware that it is sometimes very difficult for patients to know which consultants to ask for a referral to when seeking specialist care for their sarcoidosis. The Sarcoidosis Consultant Directory is a growing database of known specialists across the UK. It is designed as a tool for patients and healthcare professionals to help remove this barrier to effective care.
You can find the information below or visit the The Sarcoidosis Consultant Directory

Find top doctors who treat Sarcoidosis by state in America with WebMD


World Association of Sarcoidosis (WASOG) is proud to partner with the The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research to provide a platform by which institutions may be recognized as having a WASOG and FSR recognized Sarcoidosis Clinics and the Sarcoidosis Centers of Excellence.

To be informed about sarcoidosis and other ild care in different countries World Association of Sarcoidosis (WASOG) has asked colleague doctors to summarize the prevalence, the research and important websites, etc in this page Sarcoidosis and ILD around the world 

Sarcoidosis Charities and Foundations Compilation

SarcoidosisUK has four goals:

  • Information: Providing accurate and detailed information to people with sarcoidosis, their carers, and medical professionals.

  • Support: We provide emotional support for people with sarcoidosis and their carers by telephone, email, via social media and at our support groups across the UK

  • Finding a cure: SarcoidosisUK raises funds and invests them into focused medical research that works directly to finding a cure for sarcoidosis.

  • Awareness: We recognise the lack of understanding and awareness from both the medical profession and the general public regarding sarcoidosis. We aim to change this. Visit at Sarcoidosis UK


The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research is the leading international organization dedicated to finding a cure for sarcoidosis and to improving care for sarcoidosis patients. Since its establishment in 2000, FSR has fostered over $5 million in sarcoidosis-specific research efforts. Visit at Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research


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